Advisory Board

The Department of Business Administration (DBA) has six prominent business leaders, national decision makers, and advisors on its Advisory Board. Each of them has a high awareness of the business environment in Indonesia as well as the complexity of global problems. They are an invaluable asset to our institution and its dedication to excellence in management and business education is due to their knowledge and insight.

Each member of the Advisory Board brings deep expertise and a proven track record of success in their respective professions, driven by a shared passion for promoting leadership and innovation. Their active participation and commitment in driving our school's strategic vision demonstrates their determination to influence the direction of business education.

Duties of the Advisory Board:

  1. Convey suggestions and provide recommendations for the development and strategy of the Department of Business Administration (DAB).
  2. Provide suggestions and input to DAB to improve the standards of educational programs, research, volunteer work, or dissemination of research findings to the public.
  3. Contribute to the development of the DAB curriculum, especially those related to increasing students' business sector competencies;
  4. Help build and strengthen networks with business and industry players

Distinguished leaders and advisors on the Advisory Council, namely:

He completed his undergraduate education at the Bandung Institute of Technology in 1959-1960, Tokyo University for Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Chemical Engineering in 1960-1965, and LAN College of Administrative Sciences (STIA) in 1970-1980. He received an Honorary Doctorate from Takushoku University, Japan and Northeastern University, United States in 1995, Gadjah Mada University in 1995, and Tokyo University for Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo in 2005.
Currently he serves as Deputy President Commissioner of the Lippo Group since 2015, External Administration Advisor at Hiroshima University, Japan since 2015, Advisor to the Japan Overseas Infrastructure Investment Corporation for Transport and Urban Development (JOIN), Japan since 2018, Deputy General Chair of Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) for the 2014-2024 period, as well as Chairman of the Supervisory Board at the Nusantara Pos Savings and Loans Cooperative (Kopnuspos) since 2022. He was appointed as Deputy President Commissioner of PT Petrosea, Tbk. at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 15 May 2023.

Ginanjar Kartasasmita

Deputy President Commissioner of PT. Petrosea, Tbk

Prof. Dr. Ir. Fadel Muhammad

Deputy Chairman of the MPR RI

He obtained a bachelor's degree in Engineering Physics, Bandung Institute of Technology in 1978. In 2007, he obtained a doctorate in public administration from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta.
He entered the business world and founded a pioneering company in the engineering field, PT Bukaka Teknik Utama, Tbk. He also served as Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN). On December 10 2001, he was appointed as Governor of Gorontalo Province for the period 2001-2006, and in 2006, he won the election for governor of Gorontalo, so he served as governor until 2011. From 2009 to 2011, he was appointed as Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fishery. Currently serves as Member of the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia.

He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Indonesia in 1977 and received a Doctorate degree from the Universite De Paris Iv Sorbonne, France, in 1983. Martani Huseini is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia. In addition, he is a member of the Higher Education Tridharma Development Committee of the Teachers' Council. He is also a member of the Council of Professors at the University of Indonesia. Actively researches regional sustainable development topics, organizational theory, and digital leadership.

Prof. Dr. Martani Huseini

Council of Professors, Faculty of Administrative Sciences - University of Indonesia

Dr. Bakir Pasaman

President Director of PT. Pupuk Indonesia (Persero)

He completed a Masters in Management at Prasetya Mulya University in 1996 and a Masters in Business Law from Padjadjaran University in 2008. Then, he completed the Doctor of Business Administration program in 2018 at Brawijaya University. He served as CEO of Rekayasa Industri Malaysia in 2005 and Vice President of PT. Rekayasa Industri (service company engaged in industrial design and construction) in 2007 – 2011, until he became President Director of PT Pupuk Indonesia (holding company which oversees ten subsidiaries engaged in the production of fertilizer, EPC, logistics, utilities, food, and trade) from 2020 until now.

Christine Hutabarat was born in 1976 in Denpasar – Bali. Christine Hutabarat completed her undergraduate education at the Indonesian Christian University, Jakarta with a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, then took a Masters in Finance at Gajah Mada University - Yogjakarta and took a doctoral degree with a Doctorate at Brawijaya University - Malang. Christine Hutabarat previously served as Director of Planning and Development of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry, after taking part in improving services at ASDP, she is now being challenged by the Minister of BUMN Erick Tohir to develop Hotel Indonesia Natour (“HIN”) she has been appointed as Director of Business Strategy & Marketing of PT Hotel Indonesia Natour.

Dr. Christien Hutabarat

Director of Business Strategy & Marketing PT Hotel Indonesia Natour

Dr. Mekar Satria

DJP International Tax Director

He completed his undergraduate education at Padjadjaran University in 1987-1993 and a Master's degree at The University of Texas at Austin in 1999 in the field of Professional Accounting. He holds a doctorate in Business Administration – Brawijaya University. Spent more than 25 years of his professional career in the tax field. He became Head of Sub-Section at the Bandung Tax Service Office in 1997, Head of Section for the Directorate of Revenue, Potential, Tax Systems and Procedures in 2002, and since March 2021 until now he has served as Director at the Directorate of International Taxes.

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