Administration Science Doctoral Program Course Structure - Semester 1


Course Structure

This course discusses building and deepening the philosophy of science and research methodology. This course is divided into four topics: philosophy of science, quantitative paradigm, qualitative paradigm, and mixed methods paradigm.

This course explains the concepts, theories and applications of administration in business organizations. The main discussion is divided into two according to the main elements of administration: organizational/company governance (governance) and management (administrative/management processes).

This course discusses the governance of business organizations within the framework of developing governance as a theory. In more detail, students discuss several concepts as follows.

  1. The evolution of governance theory, from Artificial Theory, Aggregation Theory, fiduciary, managerialism, contractarianism, and postcontractarianism) to the concept of capitalism to managerialism.
  2. Three perspectives of corporate governance: 1) from a traditional economic point of view, 2) from a philosophical point of view, and 3) from an integrated business ethics point of view
  3. The company as a liaison between stakeholders (stakeholder management and company theory)
  4. Organizational governance and ethics (triadic stakeholder theory: Donaldson & Preston)
  5. Comparison of governance according to local and international contexts
  6. Incomplete agency theory: contracts and ownership structures
  7. Governance internal (Directors, executive compensation) and external (company oversight by shareholders, governance of family firms, institutional and other shareholders, politics of shareholder activism, corporate governance and accountability, economic aspects of CG)

This course discusses the concept of entrepreneurship from a theoretical perspective. Broadly speaking, this course is divided into three main topics: historical perspectives on the development of the concept of entrepreneurship, theoretical perspectives on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship as research objects.

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