MMPT Study Program Registration Information


Registration for Masters of Management in Higher Education


Prospective Registrants for the Higher Education Management Masters Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya must create an account on the website then select the selection to go to on the dashboard page and make a Payment Code request and must complete the administrative requirements as follows:

  1. Photocopy of S1 diploma that has been legalized
  2. Photocopy of list of grades/transcripts of S1 grades that have been validated (minimum GPA of 2.75 on a scale of 4)
  3. Letters of recommendation from two people who can be considered capable of providing the applicant's academic eligibility. 
  4. Scientific work after graduation (if any)
  5. Curriculum Vitae (download here)
  6. Health certificate
  7. Letter of assignment/permission from superiors (if the applicant is already working) that the person concerned is released from agency duties.
  8. Recent color photo size 4×6 (4 sheets with blue background).
  9. An official statement from the study funder
  10. Photocopy of TPA OTO-BAPPENAS certificate (450) and TOEFL ITP / TOIEC certificate (450) / IELTS (5,5) from an institution that has been recognized by the FIA UB Masters Program
  11. Photocopy of valid KTP (Resident Identity Card).
  12. Forms and attachments can be sent by post or brought directly to PS MMPT FIA UB and have been duplicated by 3 copies)
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