Organizational Structure of the Education Administration Study Program


Organizational structure

Organizational Structure of the Education Administration Study Program

The tasks and functions of the Educational Administration Study Program are stated in the Decree of the Dean Number 422 of 2016 concerning the Organizational Structure and Work Procedure of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya. The task of the study program is to coordinate the education planning, implementation, development and evaluation. The Educational Administration Study Program has the following functions

  1. Organize educational activities in the study program;
  2. Formulate quality standards (benchmarking) of the education activities;
  3. Evaluate the implementation of study program activities;
  4. Review and clarify undergraduate theses, theses, dissertations and student scientific works worthy as sources of scientific references; and
  5. Preparation and submission of the study program annual activity report to the head of the department.

1.    Head of the Study Program

The study program is led by a head assisted by a secretary.
The head is responsible for leading and conducting academic activities, research, and community services. The Head of the Study Program has the following duties:

a.    Coordinate academic activities of the study program;

b.    Plan the number of lecturers to be accepted, as well as guide and develop the lecturers;

c.    Evaluate the performance of lecturers and propose the promotions of lecturers;

d.    Plan the number and qualifications of accepted students;

e.    Calculate the need for supporting facilities for academic activities;

f.     Plan the need for the academic fund;

g.    Plan the need for references;

h.    Formulate and evaluate the qualifications and competence of graduates;

i.      Formulate the quality standards for undergraduate programs and evaluate and develop curriculum;

j.      Plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate the educational process;

k.    Manage research and community services;

l.      Develop the study program;

m.   Develop networking; and

 n.    Prepare and submit the annual activity report of the Study Program to the Head of the Department.

2.     Secretary of the Study Program

The Secretary assists the Head of the Study Program in managing and conducting academic activities, research, and community services. The followings are the duties of the Secretary of the Study Program:

a.    Carry out administrative activities of the study program;

b.    Coordinate the preparation and development of the curriculum;

c.    Coordinate the teaching and learning process with lecturers;

d.    Schedule of lectures at the study program level;

e.    Coordinate laboratory activities;

f.     Coordinate fieldwork practice and/or internship;

g.    Set up a student academic database in the study program; and

h.    Set up a database of education, research and community service activities in the Department.

       3.  Lecturers

The primary duty of lecturers is to do Tri Dharma to support the duty of the department or study program. Lecturers have the following functions:

a.    Asses and develop semester lesson plans within the scope of their laboratory; and

             b. Conduct research and development in their field of study.

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