Organizational Structure of the Department of Business Administration


Organizational Structure of the Department of Business Administration

  1. Head of Business Department:
    Dr. Nur Imamah, SAB, MAB, Ph.D
  2. Business Department Secretary:
    Dr. Ari Darmawan, SAB, MAB
  3. Head of the Business Administration Study Program:
    Prof. Dr. Drs. Muhammad Saifi, M.Si
  4. Deputy Head of the Business Administration Study Program:
    Langgeng Setyono, SAB, MAB
  5. Head of the Tax Science Study Program:
    Dr. Kadarisman Hidayat, M.Sc
  6. Deputy Head of the Taxation Study Program:
    Dewi Noor Fatikhah Rokhimakhumullah, SE, MSA, Ak
  7. Head of the Tourism Study Program:
    Dr. Drs. Edy Yulianto, MP
  8. Deputy Head of the Tourism Study Program:
    Drs. Wiyata, MAB, Ph.D
  9. Head of the Master of Business Administration Study Program:
    Prof. Andriani Kusumawati, S.Sos, M.Sc.
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