Selection of Outstanding Students for Undergraduate Program Even Semester 2013/2014 Academic Year

Number: 3245/UN10.3/TU/2014

In connection with implementation activities SELECTION OF STUDENTS WITH ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE GRADUATE PROGRAM organized by DIKTI, then inform all students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences to take part in this activity. The activity schedule is as follows:

  1. File Collection (3 copies are included in the red stopmap) 7 – 14 March 2014 (08.00 WIB – 14.00 WIB) Subdivision. Student Affairs
  2. Selection of Outstanding Students, Sunday, March 16, 2014 (11.00 WIB – Finish) Ged. B Floor 2 FIA
  3. Announcement of Selection Results, March 19, 2014, Subdivision. Student Affairs (fia website)

Softcopy of the Guide for Selection of Outstanding Students can be downloaded here.

Thus, thank you for your attention and cooperation

Malang, March 7 2014
an Assistant Dean III
Dr. Sri Mangesti Rahayu, M.Sc
NIP. 19550902 198202 2 001

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