Wempi Naviera Wins Third Place in UB Achievement Education Staff 2015

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One of the academic operators of FIA UB, Wempi Naviera, S.AB. managed to come out as the 3rd winner in the 2015 Selection of Educators and Educational Staff with Achievement. Wempi, who works daily in the Academic Sub-Division of FIA UB as a statistics and diploma staff, managed to attract the attention of the jury consisting of a combination of lecturers in the Institute for Educational Studies and Development. (LP3) Universitas Brawijaya. In front of the jury, Wempi presented his creativity and innovation in the field of academic services, namely data management for the Higher Education Database (PDDIKTI), calling academic critical students, services e-Archive (electronic archives), and the use of social media to assist academic services.

Wempy Naviera tunjukkan sertifikat penghargaannya
Wempy Naviera shows her certificate of appreciation

Wempi revealed that his innovative ideas in managing PDDIKTI departed from the frequent delays of FIA UB in sending the latest data reports to the Higher Education according to the set deadline. According to him, this happened because there was no team and its coordinator who had a special task to carry out this task. "With the idea that I proposed to the leadership and the hard work of all other faculty operators, now FIA UB is one of the earliest batches to submit PDDIKTI reports, thus receiving appreciation from all academic operators throughout UB," he said.

Apart from that, Wempi, who is quite active on social media Twitter, uses his hobby to provide better academic services. If students usually have to queue at the Academic Subdivision counter just to consult on technical matters such as KRS and the opening of new classes, now students can just ask directly via their Twitter account. “Students can ask me questions via the @WempiNaviera account while typing hashtags #krsfia. I will answer their questions as soon as possible," said the alumni of the FIA UB Bachelor of Business Administration Program.

The event for selecting outstanding employees itself begins by asking for recommendations for prospective outstanding employees from every faculty and study program in UB. After that, each candidate will be given the opportunity to present their creativity and innovation for 30 minutes before the jury. The winners were announced during the Flag Ceremony to commemorate the 70th Indonesian Independence Day, Monday (17/8). (ALA/FIA)

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