Co-hosted by Faculty of Administrative Science at Universitas Brawijaya (Indonesia), School of Government at Universiti Utara Malaysia (Malaysia), Faculty of Law and Political Science at Burapha University (Thailand), Tarlac Agricultural University (Philippines), and SEAMEO Center for Lifelong Learning (Vietnam)

AVISOC 2024 is the 4th installment of ASEAN-wide competition that challenges university students to express their best opinion on world issues in the form of article or poster. Last year, this competition was cohosted by Faculty of Administrative Science at Universitas Brawijaya (Indonesia), co-organized by Universiti Utara Malaysia (Malaysia) and Burapha University (Thailand), South East Asian Ministers of Education (SEAMEO) Secretariat, and Tarlac Agricultural University (Philippines).However, for this year we would like to welcome our newest cohost of the event, The Regional Centre for Lifelong Learning of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO CELLL) which is based in Vietnam.
AVISOC 2024 holds 2 (two) divisions for concerned participants to choose:
- Opinion Article Division
- Poster Division
The description of each division will be provided in the next sections. Select one division that best suits with your interest as one student can only participate in one division at a time.
Eligible to register as participants are undergraduate/bachelor’s degree/Sarjana’s (Indonesian) degree/diploma degree students from universities across South East Asian countries. Their active status as student will be acknowledged by attaching a photo of their Student ID during the registration process.
The winners of AVISOC 2024 will receive prize, including international certificate of achievement. Other participants will receive certificate of participation.
The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
The theme of the Poster Division is: “Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age: From Classroom to Workplace and Society”.
The followings are the things that you need to know before start working on your poster. Please learn carefully.
- Your poster has never been seen or published elsewhere.
- The poster can be designed by an individual, or a maximum of 3 (three) persons in a group of participant with all persons come from the same institution.
- Every participant is allowed to send only 1 (one) poster.
- The poster is created on an A4-size paper (21 cm x 29.7 cm), in PNG/JPG/JPEG format, with minimum resolution of 300 ppi.
- Put on the logo of your institution on the top side of the poster, along with the name(s) of the creator(s) on the bottom.
Scoring Criteria
Your poster will be scored under the following guidance:
No. | Indicator | Criteria | Weight |
1 | Originality | 1. The idea is authentic. 2. The poster has never been seen or published elsewhere. | 20% |
2 | Conformity with the topic | 1. Positive campaign (preventive, curative, promotive, or persuasive) 2. The depth of exploration to the topic 3. Factuality | 30% |
3 | Visualization | 1. Composition of content and pictures (readability and colors) 2. Attractiveness (use of symbols, illustration, and others) 3. Esthetics | 30% |
4 | Benefits | 1. Educative (giving positive influence) 2. Providing values (wisdom words) | 20% |
How to Register?
- The poster is submitted as you register yourself through our online submission form on the main website.
- Files submitted consist of:
- Poster file, max. 3 MB.
- Photo of Student ID, max. 2 MB.
An Opinion is an article, usually published in a newspaper or magazine, that mainly reflects the author’s opinion about a subject. It aims to explain to the reader the author’s perspective on a certain issue. The perspective can be analytical or persuasive. An example of Opinion can be seen here from The Jakarta Post: https://www.thejakartapost.com/academia/opinion.
Choice of Issue
This year the Committee has decided to open only one general issue for Opinion Article contest. The matter is not on what subject you focus on; rather, the current, latest, and/or trending issue which is happening around you and deserve your attention, then scientific comment in the form of Opinion Article.
In other words, at the beginning of your article, you must mention the issue that you want to raise which is the current, latest, and/or trending happening in your hometown, country or other countries. Make it contextual for readers from other countries.
After that, continue with writing your voice regarding the issue. Remember, in an Opinion, your arguments should be supported by facts, data, research results, and/or comments by relevant experts or parties.
The followings are the things that you need to know before start working on your article. Please learn carefully.
- The article is written by 1 (one) person only.
- Every participant is allowed to send maximum 1 (one) article.
- The article should consist between 500-700 words at the most.
- Type the article by following these rules:
- Paper size: A4
- Font type: Arial or Times New Roman
- Font size: 12
- Line spacing: 1.5
- The opinion article should be original and has never been published elsewhere.
How to Register?
- The article is submitted as you register yourself through our online submission form on the main website.
- Files submitted consist of:
- Article file (PDF format), max. 3 MB
- Photo of or scanned Student ID, max. 2 MB
- Statement of originality (provided on our website)
No. | Indicator | Criteria | Weight |
1 | Content | The content conforms to the chosen issue. The idea is authentic. The analysis and solution are deep, based on data and/or facts, and positive (prentive, promotive, curative, or persuasive). Educative (giving positive impact to readers) | 35% |
2 | Organizational Structure | The good flow of the article really captivates the reader’s mind, from the beginning until the end. | 20% |
3 | Language Use | Selected dictions are suitable for general readers. Very little or no grammatical error. | 20% |
4 | Mechanics | The number of words is no more than 500 words. Correct and proper use of punctuation. | 15% |
Use the following files as necessary.
There is no registration fee for joining this competition. All eligible students shall pay nothing to register.
Please be aware with the following important dates, so that you do not lose a chance to win this international competition.
Publication of the event | : | September 10th, 2024 |
Submission & Initial Screening | : | September 10th – October 27, 2024 |
Judges’ scoring | : | October 13th – November 1st, 2024 |
Announcement of winners | : | 5 November 2024 |
The announcement of winners is a one package show with an international virtual seminar held by the organizers. All registered participants should attend the seminar.
The views and opinions expressed in the Opinion article and Poster submitted by participants are those of the authors/creators and do not necessarily reflect the official view or policy of the organizing committee. Any content provided by the authors/creators are of their opinion, and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone or anything. The AVISOC Committee shall retain rights for all submitted works (articles, posters, and photos) and will be published in separate books with ISBN for each type of works as the outcome of this international event.
: | avisoc@ub.ac.id | |
Contact Person | : | Mr. Asmaraihan (+62 831-8688-3525) Mrs. Trihani (+62 859-7970-3461) |
Find your certificates here. If your have any inquiries, send us an email to avisoc@ub.ac.id.
Coming soon after the event is over!!!