SUMMARY David As'adi, Postgraduate Program, University of Brawijaya, Malang, “Implementation of the Lamongan Regency Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) 2021-2026 in Poverty Alleviation”.…
RINGKASAN Fathul Gani, NIM. 177030402012002, Program Doktor Ilmu Administrasi, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Brawijaya Malang, tanggal enam belas bulan Juli tahun dua ribu dua puluh ”IMPLEM…
Ponggok merupakan kecamatan dengan jumlah masyarakat miskin terbesar di Kabupaten Blitar. Menurut data SK Kementerian Sosial, terdapat 6.875 orang KPM program BPNT. secara morfologi Ponggok terleta…
latar belakang penelitian ini adalah suatu fenomena di masyarakat, yaitu kecamatan ponggok sebagai kecamatan dengan jumlah masyarakat miskin terbesar di Kabupaten Blitar. menurut data dari SK Kemen…
This research tries to find out problems surrounding the implementation of such program, by identifying factors influencing the achievement of poverty alleviation programs especially raskin program…
Fenomena kemiskinan menjadi problem sosial yang selalu diperbincangkan, tidak hanya di negara miskin, tetapi di negara kaya sekalipun. Mulai dari faktor penyebab, anggaran, program kegiatan dan akt…
This study frames two research question. Firstly, what is the present status of the implementation of the KUBE program in Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta. Secondly, what are the constraining factors impleme…
The Problem of the poverty in Indonesia has caused major issues over the years and needs serious attention. Statistically the number of the impoverished in Indonesia shows a declining trend. But th…
This Study aims to describe how the implementation of the Joint Business Group (KUBE) program in Yogyakarta City is. This study empirically investigated the implementation of the KUBE program using…
The government of Malang City has set a policy to reduce poverty that becomes a guarantee for the poor to be prosperous. However, there has been lack of coordination, synergy, and integration of im…