Annual Conference Bangkok-Thailand 16-21 July 2012 about Management Of Energy, Environment, Food Security and Welware.
The importance of a security strategy cannot be understimated. in order to have a secure company, security policies must be clearly stated and available, systems and workspace must be secured and e…
The poor empowerment program-Social Empowerment Direct Aid (P2FM-BLPS) through Collective Enterprise Group (KUBE) is one of alleviation poverty program inIndonesia which is derived from Ministry of…
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeksripsikan dan menganilisi implementasi Progam Peningkatan Ketahanan Pangan yang dilaksanakan oleh Dinas Pertania Kabupaten Blitar beserta faktor-faktor…
Based on Decree of Malang Regent No.180/372/KEP/421.013/2009, officially, Ringinkembar Village designated as rural food insecurity. To solve this conditions, one of strategy from the goverment of M…
Quality of citizens health is very important for the development of a country, because beside health is basic human need, health is also one of the reqirements in the form of human resources that g…