Abstract Economic development plays a crucial role in efforts to improve income and welfare for the community. However, East Kalimantan still faces various issues in its economic growth. Slow …
This research uses qualitative approach. The research informan were DKP3 apparatus of Depok City, Bappeda (Regional Government) apparatus of Depok City, field officer and famer group. Data collecti…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeksripsikan dan menganalisis tentang penyusunan rencana pembangunan pertanian hortikultura berbasis sumberdaya lokal di Kota Depok serta faktor-faktor yang mendukun…
This study aims to find out the success of policy implementation of international undergraduate program at FEB-UB by analyzing the influencing factors based on the theory of policy implementation E…
Malisa Cory Wardani, Bambang Santoso, Alfi Hariswanto, Masters of Arts in Higher Education, Faculty of Administrative Science, "Policy Implementation of International Undergraduate Program in Indo…