Galih Prasetyo, Program Magister Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. 2023. “Perencanaan Pembangunan Kawasan Parkir Elektronik (E-Parkir) Kota Bl…
Buku ini memuat dasar-dasar elektronik serta konsep-konsep fisis yang mendasar dan keanekaragaman pemakaian.
Isi buku ini dilengkapi dengan program pengembangan untuk membantu pembaca memahami isinya karena untuk mencapai pengetahuan kerja elektronika industri yang amat dibutuhkan pengalaman atau latihan …
E-Service : New Directions in Theory and Practice focuses on three key area (Part 1) the customer-technology interface (Part 2) Bussiness opportunities and strategies and Part (3) public-sector opp…
From tech schools to colleges, high schools to grad schools, research involves making sense of information, dealing with overload, learning the basics of planning, and evaluating the quality of sou…
The proliferation of e-journals and their impact on library collections is tremendous. E-Journals Access and Management takes a comprehensive look at how e-journals have changed the library landsca…
Managing the Transition from Print to Electronic Journals and Resources: A Guide for Library and Information Professionals is a collection of essays from the leading authorities on print-to-e-resou…