Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada kajian manajemen strategi perusahaan dalam perspektif Market Base Theory yang merupakan pondasi membangun keunggulan bersaing. sintesa yang bisa dilakukan adalah …
Latar belakang penelitian didasarkan pada penyelenggara pendidikan berkebutuhan khusus bagi siswa autis saat ini belum memadai. Baik dari sisi jumlah yang masih kurang maupun metode penyelenggaraan…
Scientists at the los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico developed the first atom bomb, under robert Openheimer's leadership
A business might be defined as any occupation in which men, at the risk of loss, seek to make money over and above their costs by producing products or offering service for sale; or by buying and s…
Chaos Organization and Disaster Management offers a scholarly survey of disaster response behavior and management in the face of natural and manmade catastrophe. The author provides a methodologica…
Anyone visiting Australia today cannot help but notice massive billboards in all the major cities encouraging people to conserve water