The propagators of The Limits to Growth should be applauded for trying to work out ways for society to live in a stable state. The discussions in this collection range from global food and energy s…
In this book, Professors Baumol and Oates provide a rigorous and comprehensive analysis of the economic theory of environmental policy. They present a formal, theoretical treatment of those factors…
As the importance of marketing to business grows, and as new concepts and applications of marketing emerge and evolve, so too does the need for up-to-date market intelligence. This book recognizes …
buku ini membahas teori dasar perdagangan expor dan impor, penanganan dasar dari dokumen-dokumen dan operasi transaksi-transaksi yg bersangkutan serta tata cara pembiayaan-pembiayaan yg dilengkapi …
Ensiklopedia merupakan suatu percobaan untik menemukan, membentuk, dan menetapkan istilah manajemen dalam bahasa indonesia dengan merujuk kepada istilah manajemen yang terdapat dalam bahasa inggris
This book introduces the adaptive business network, a new method of business interaction that offers the ability to respond swiftly to changing market conditions, increase revenue growth, and lower…
Corruption is a worldwide phenomenon. Developing countries and those making a transition from socialism are particularly at risk. This book suggests how high levels of corruption limit investment a…