The material we shall present in this book has much in common with analysesmade for business decisions or for staff reports to govermental officials
An introduction to the method and history of political economy, with comparative studies of classical liberalism, radicalism, conservatism and modern liberalism. The role of government, inflation, …
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini istilah ''corporate governance'' semakin sering dijadikan topik pembicaraan secara ''intens'', termasuk di Indonesia. Hussain and Mallin (2002) menyatakan bahwa pe…
Among the social science, and indeed among the reputable fields of learning, econimics occupies as a special place for the reproach that is inspired by its language. the literate layman regularly p…
In the Proccess of updating and adapting the original book to an international audience, ambitions grew during the course of the project resulting in present version, which is about 80 percent new.…
Writings on public administrations go back to biblical times and before. the ancient egyptians and babylonians and left considerable advices on the techniques of management and administration.
Manajemen strategi atau manajemen strategik adalah keterampilan (seni), teknik, dan ilmu dalam merumuskan, mengimplementasikan, dan mengevaluasii serta mengawasi berbagai keputusan-keputusan fungsi…
This volume, published in 2000, provides a comparative picture of East Asian NIC's with Latin American counterparts
Sejarah Bank kemungkinan pertama sekali diciptakan di negeri cina kuno pada masa kaisar kuning kira kira tahun 2700
Buku ini memuat pertanyaan dan soal di setiap akhir bab agar dapat digunakan sebagai latihan bagi mahasiswa,penulis sedapat mungkin menggunakan istilah-istilah akutansi dalam bahasa indonesia, unt…