Pengembangan karier tenaga kependidikan di Biro Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Universitas Jambi dilihat dari aspek penliaian prestasi kerja, dan lingkup yang terdiri dari unsur-unsur yang dinilai, sia…
The study aims to analyze the policy agenda of the utilization of the retaining cultural heritage area in Mojokerto Regency in order to protect cultural heritage. this research is based on several …
The study aims to analyze the policy formulation model of space utilization in the cultural preservation area in Mojokerto regency as a form of protection and preservation of cultural heritage. the…
Kondisi sosial dan lingkungan di Kota Mojokerto mengalami penurunan ditandai dengan beberapa hal yaitu polusi akibat beban emisi, belum optimalnya transportasi publik, tidak optimalnya pengelolaan …
Bali Regional Government intervenes tour guides profession by implementing of the licensing policy this phenomenon is associated with the increasing number of tourist visit to Bali and the importan…
Keberhasilan Pustakawan dalam mengembangkan karirnya bergantung pada keberhasilannya melaksanakan berbagai butir kegiatan kepustakawanan dalam PERMENPAN-RB No.9 2014. Pada PEMEMNPAN_RB Nomor 9 tahu…
This Research investigated the implementation of policy for the appointment of lecturers and education staffs in Universitas Borneo Tarakan as government employees based on work contract. One of th…
the purpose of this study was to measure service quality performance based on student perception of higher education department service quality performance. the research used a higher education pe…
the purpose of study was describe and analysis the recruitment and selectionog teaching staff at Mulawarman University in order to fealize good governance, in order to be able to complate both nati…
This research has a purpose to explore customers involvement in terms of value co-creation. Value co-creation is a value determinant of service-dominant logic that emphasizes both service-based and…