in this monograph, david smith illustrates how important it is that politicians
bab ini akan membicarakan tentang dasar dasar perpajakan daerah atau pokok pokok perpajakan daerah bab ini diawali dengan pembahasan mengenai pengertian pajak daerah menurut UU no 18 tahun 1997 ten…
Business law comprises the laws that determine the right, duties and obligation of persons involved in business
The world has entered s new millenium facing tremendous uncertainties, chaotic changes, and significant crises of all kinds and various degrees of intensity that impose urgency and call for emergen…
Scientists at the los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico developed the first atom bomb, under robert Openheimer's leadership
pelapor pelapor teori pembelajaran mnoder akar akar teori pembelajaran kontemporer tentang jauh kemasa lalu banyak persoalan yang dibicarakan dan pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh para peneliti modern
Masyarakat merupakan kumpulan individu, kelompok dan organisasi yang beragam watak, sifat dan kepribadiannya.
The human condition it is possible that our race may be an accident , in a neaningless universe,
This is an attempt to present a contemporary microeconomics textbook at an intermediate level. In teaching microeconomics theory at all levels and in various countries the author became increasingl…