To the hundreds of students in my doctoral level Proposal Development courses, I dedicate this book. I especially appreciate the inspiration to begin the project and the unflagging encouragement fr…
I am most thankful to the many students in my "Seminar in Qualitative Research" at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln who helped to shape this book over the years. They offered suggestions, provide…
Mangement is the process of using an organization resousrces to achive specific b goal trough the funcitions of planning
Analyzes the interrelationship of record keeping, ethics and law in terms of existing regulatory models and their application to the Internet. This book offers an interdisciplinary approach to Inte…
The teaching of Qualitative analysis in the social sciences is rarely under taken in a structured way. this hand book is designed to remedy that abnnd to presents students
The BUssines of Theory and Paradigms some years to Americans were visitings agricultural universities in india
Undang-undang R.I. No. 5 tahun 1986 tentang peradilan tata usaha negara