Perpustakaan umum merupakan wahana pendidikan non formal yang sangat demokratis karena menyediakan sumber belajar sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat dan melayani tanpa membedakan suku, bangsa, agam…
Gratefully dedicated to Roger Jowell and Norman Glass, without whose vision and spirited support the seeds of this book would not have blossomed
Public Services has a central role in many aspects of human life, and also as the function in maintaining the existence and growth og the community, the nation and the state. As a capital city of I…
Istilah informasi kini sudah merupakan bagian kosakata kita sehari-hari. Walaupun demikian tidak semua anggota masyarakat memiliki pemahaman yang sama tentang arti informasi. Maka muncul upaya menc…
With each new edition, we are challenged and invigorated by the goal of maintaining the standard that we established for presenting strategic management knowledge in a readable style. To prepare fo…
For courses in Organizational Behavior, Human Relations, and Industrial Psychology. By adopting a diagnostic approach, this text encourages students and managers to describe situations completely, …