A company produces goods for obtaining a target of profit. A company obtains a profit from the total revenue minus production costs incurred by the company. When a company tries to get a maximum pr…
Sektor kepariwisataan sebagai salah satu sektor unggulam di kabupaten pasuruan masih menghadapi berbagai kendala. Kendala tersebut terkait dengan kondisi objek wisata yang mmerlukan pembenahan terk…
The studi conducted yo enhance the knowledge about capital structure, firm size, profitability, and dividend policy. The studi conducted at property and real estate sector listed in Indonesia Stock…
This study evamined the effect of Foreign Direct Invesment on Fundamental Characteristics and Capital Structure of Manufacturing corporations using PLS (Path Least Square) analysis. Data were colle…
Kemampuan perusahaan manufaktur dalam menghadapi fluktuasi ekonomi pada akhirnya berimbas dalam pembuatan kebijakan, termasuk kebijakan dividen. Selain itu, komposisi kepemilikan saham perusahaan m…