Banyak perkembangan telah terjadi pada edisi buku terakhir ini. Hari ini profesional informasi (pustakawan, arsiparis, kurator digital, data analis, rekod manajer dan lain-lain) mengalami tantangan…
this eight edition, based upon previous editions, not only includes new subject and insight, but welcome another colleague, Dr. Claudia Morner, who brings additional expertise and insight. it conti…
Metadata and Semantics is an edited volume based on the 2007 Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR), now in its second meeting. Metadata research is a pluri-disciplinary field that en…
Glosarium ini berisi 10.200 kata terkait organisasi, projek dan akronim seputar manajemen informasi, ilmu perpustakaan, penerbitan dan manajemen arsip
This book give information about a guide to better management and decision making
This book give information about how to grow the business by hiring the best performers