Menjadi universitas unggul, berkelas dunia dan aktif dalam membangun bangsa melalui proses tri dharma perguruan tinggi adalah harapan UB untuk meningkatkan layanan, transparansi dan akuntanbilitas …
The writing of this thesis aims to find out, identify and analyze the Workload and Needs of Educational Personnel Using the Total Quality Management Method (Study at the Faculty of Engineering, Uni…
The high demand of land for housing and industrial can threatned the existance of productive agriculture land. The phenomenom of agricultural land conversion also struck in the most famous island i…
Spatial planning policy is the intervention action usually from the government in the term of appropriate uses of land, building, and infrastructure. In this study, the intervention is on the paddy…
The high demand of land for housing and industrial can threatned the existance of productive agriculture land. The phenomenom of agricultural land conversion also struck in the most famous island i…
This study aims to examine the effect of business education on entrepreneurial intention with feasibility and entrepreneurial self-efficacy as the intervening variables. This study was conducted on…
Persoalan inovasi dan daya saing daerah pada dasarnya bukan persoalan sederhana yang mudah dipecahkan. inovasi dan daya saing daerah merupakan masalah rumit suatu sistem tersendiri sekaligus sebaga…
E-Procurement dilatarbelakangi oleh pengadaan barang dan jasa secara konvensional yang dinilai kurang efektif dan efisien oleh pemerintah. Untuk itu, pemerintah selalu melakukan perubahan ke arah y…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh dari strategic supplier partnership terhadap rantai pasok integratif, pengaruh strategic supllier partnership terhada[ kinerja usaha, pengaruh cu…
The ministerial decree 692-2015 of ministry of transportation of the Republic of Indonesia regarding the allocation of BRT of BRT assistance have granted Mataram city that 25 BRT. the BRT is a prog…