Although local government has more authority to collect revenue from their communities, West Java's regencies and cities lack fiscal capacity and highly depend on the financial assistance of centra…
The research finds out that investment contributes significantly positive to economic growth. Furthermore, human capital is also significantly positive associated with economic growth. The last con…
As we know that the fiscal decentralization, human capital and investment policy have become the attention of many countries, including Indonesia. Since 2011, te Indonesian governemnent has effecti…
This study examies the relation between capital spending on infrastructure and fiscal decentralization in East Java, Indonesia. The need for this research is based on the fact than most of capital …
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti di Kecamatan Glagah terdapat permasalahan terkait dengan implementasi pelimpahan sebagian wewenang bupati kepada camat di Kecamatan Glagah …
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang pentingnya kerjasama antar pemerintahan daerah dalam penyediaan barang dan jasa pendidikan, faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kerjasama antar pemerintahan daer…