Buku ini tidak saja membahas tentang bagaimana pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi sebagai sarana komunikasi antara guru dan siswa seperti disebut di atas, juga tentang Komunikasi sebag…
Computer crime has grown radiply along with the development of the digital world and the higher education institution cannot be separated from the activities of a computer crime. The paper analyses…
The main objectives of this study were to : 1) to analyze the degree of implementation of informaton system security policy in universities in Indonesia, 2) to analyze perception of heads of IT dep…
The importance of a security strategy cannot be understimated. in order to have a secure company, security policies must be clearly stated and available, systems and workspace must be secured and e…
It's practically a requirement in the Internet Age for libraries, and especially school library media centers, to have a Web page. Church shows how a Web page can be transformed into a virtual libr…
According to a survey by the Travel Industry Association, 74 percent of all frequent travelers use the Internet to research, plan, and/or purchase travel services. But how do travelers remain up-to…
Buku ini akan membahas aplikasi Pemrograman Menggunakan Bahasan Scripting PHP dan databasenya adalah MySQL, kedua program tersebut merpakan bentuk program Open Source yang dapat digunakan pada semu…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan computer self-efficacy terhadap kualitas sistem, kualitas informasi, kualitas layanan, penggunaan, kepuasan pengguna, dan dampak individu. Studi d…