Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh keuatan keuangan syariah di Indonesia sangat besar disebabkan 1. pendudukan muslim jumlahnya yang besar, 2.Peluang ekonomi yang bagus, terlihat dari bertumbuhn…
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan latar belakang perkembangan mobile-banking di Indonesia yang sedemikian cepat. Manfaat Mobile-banking yakni memberikan keleluasan dan kepraktisan/kemudahan transaksi…
The hajj - Arabic for "pilgrimae" - is a five-day religious pilgrimage to Mecca and nearby holy sites in Saudi Arabia that all Muslims who are physicall and financially able must perform at least o…
The aim of the research is to identify the service quality of tourist with disabilities in urban tourism area. Research was done in Denpasar Bali using descriptive qualitative with phenomenology re…
The aim of the research is to measure the achievement of the reform in Palembang State Treasury Office with regard to the service quality based on the customer satisfaction. It focuses on the servi…
Basically, the purpose of the resettelement the capital of Probolinggo Regency was to facilitating the community as well as to improve the quality of public services. Therefore, to support these ef…