Evalution Research is coming of age it has own scholarly proffesional societies a l;arge and growing literature and multitude of practitions.
Buku ini memberikan alternatif yang tepat dalam menggunakan metodologi yang lebih representatif dalam melaksanakan penelitian.
Buku METODOLOGI PENELITIAN KUALITATIF EDISI REVISI ini disajikan secara gamblang, mulai dari perencanaan penelitian hingga menyajikan hasilnya pada publik. Setiap tahap dalam penelitian diuraikan d…
Gratefully dedicated to Roger Jowell and Norman Glass, without whose vision and spirited support the seeds of this book would not have blossomed
The Third Edition of Miles & Huberman's classic research methods text is updated and streamlined by Johnny Saldaña, author of The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers. Several of the data dis…
FOr more than two decades a quiet methodological revolution has been taking palce in the Social science.
this books explain to user about the writter methods on comparative social science