This study aims to describe and analyze the policy evaluation of urban waterfront regeneration in Piere Tendean Quay in Banjarmasin. Water has a significant role in people’s life as a natural res…
The measurement of marketing has become one of the most important business needs today as companies face increasing pressures to demonstrate financial returns across the organization form sharehold…
Ada dua teknik yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan evaluasi hasil belajar, yaitu tes dan nontes. Buku ini akan membahas tentang teknik tes yang digunakan dalam evaluasi hasil belajar, diantaranya …
Evaluasi Pendidikan adalah komponen terpenting untuk mengukur dan memperbaiki proses pendidikan dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan.
The focus of Knowledge into Action : Research and Evaluation in Library and Information Science is the application of research pricinples and methods to understanding of library and information sci…
Untuk mengamankan wilayah perairan Indonesia dari berbagai ancaman, pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan pembangunan kekuatan Minimum Essential Force (MEF) Komponen utama. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah…
In this book, theory is blended with practical application to provide a concise, up-to-date explanation of how school librarians can work with students and teachers to assess for learning in 21st c…
Evaluation for the 21st Century features thoughtfully written introductions to each of the main sections that provide a context and synthesis of the various evaluators' chapters. After reading this…