Buku ini memuat berbagai topik baru dan hangat yang menjadi isu aktual dunia bisnis, seperti tanggung jawab sosial dan etika bisnis, struktur organisasi yang efektif, corporate governance dan teori…
This book has been written for a one-semester or two-quarter introductory course in calculus for students of business or the social sciences who have had one to two years of algebra. Applications i…
This text spans all of the basic principles of successful marketing. It presents/explains the marketing plan for the successful Honda Accord, integrates the topic of international marketing through…
This work is written for people, mainly students, who want to know how the relationship and the traditional marketing approach (in combination) affect the development of effective and efficient mar…
The overriding goal of the revision for the 14th edition of marketing management was to create as comprehensive, current, and engaging MBA marketing textbook as possible. Where appropriate, new mat…