This paper aimed to explore the development of the legal aid program in West Java Province, focusing on the current conditions of the implementation of the Legal Aid Program in West Java Province, …
This study aims to examine and describe the usage of social media and its significance as part of public participation medium in Bandung City West Java Indonesia. By using multi method research de…
Decentralization of Indonesian villages provides oppurtinities for grassroots level group to participate in village development. This study aimed to explore the participation of womens group leader…
A long run of SPP formulation caused by its complexity must be supported by the right form of governance. This thesis intends to attain out the challenges in formulating this policy from the perspe…
Latar belakang penelitian ini didasari oleh kesan negatif pertambangan tanpa mengetahui seberapa besar manfaat pertambangan bagi kehidupan. Oleh karena itu pertambangan memiliki dampak positif dan …
Kebijakan merupakan suatu keputusan yang disusun dan diambil berdasarkan perencanaan, termasuk dalam hal ini bidang pembangunan. Program pembangunan daerah pada hakikatnya merupakan bagian integral…
The agriculture sector is one of the most important sectors in Indonesia. The sustainability of agricultural production is closely related to food safety and food security. In order to achieve thes…
Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah seiring diberlakukannya asas otonomi, Pemerintah Daerah memiliki hak, wewenang dan kewenangan untuk mengatur dan mengurus sendiri urusan Pemerintahan dan kepen…
The growth in population triggers the rise in waste volume over time, as the rapid development of the manufacturing sector increse household income, various habits, and forms of public consumption,…