Many local goverment affair are problematic because of failures in planning and implementation. Various Kinds of problems should find a comprehensive solution. Therefore, there should be a think-ta…
Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Perkotaan (PNPM Mandiri MP) merupakan program pemerintah dalam upaya melakukan percepatan penanggulangan atau penurunan angka kemiskinan melalui pem…
Poverty is a global problem faced by all countries in the world, not only developing countries but also developed countries.
Aparatur sebagai penggerak pembangunan membutuhkan perhatian sama besar dengan pembangunan itu sendiri.
In reaction to the rapid increase of garbage, the Indonesian government has addressed the serious challenge of waste problems.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana electronic word of mouth (eWOM) mempengaruhi brand image dan purchase intenion.
Productivity and improvement problems that face Wedha Bank considered it as one of the banks operating in tripoli - Libya, which seeks to provide the best administrative services.