Although local government has more authority to collect revenue from their communities, West Java's regencies and cities lack fiscal capacity and highly depend on the financial assistance of centra…
Sustainable agriculture development is a sustainable development approach in the of agriculture sector which requires the economic, social, and environmental aspect to be considered equally in orde…
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeksripsikan dan menganilisi implementasi Progam Peningkatan Ketahanan Pangan yang dilaksanakan oleh Dinas Pertania Kabupaten Blitar beserta faktor-faktor…
This study is designed to analyze the development of the electronics industry in Indonesia with perspective of the develpment state theoriststs and its revealded comparative advantage position. To …
The demands and needs of Tuban's society on land transport were development and rehabilitation of road and bridge and revitalization in public transport. Policy about development plan for land tran…