This study aims to describe and analyze the policy evaluation of urban waterfront regeneration in Piere Tendean Quay in Banjarmasin. Water has a significant role in people’s life as a natural res…
Bibliography halaman 569-571 Index halaman 573-582
Agriculture in the most dominant sector of Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) of East Kotaringin District. This research uses qualitative method wih descrptive approach.
Tujuan penelitian tesis ini adalah untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis: 1) Program perencanaan dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Kotaringin Timur dalam menanggulangi dampak negatif dari pembangunan perkebun…
Three billion people will be added to the world's population over the next 50 years and 2.8 billion people today already live on less than $2 a day--almost all in developing countries. Ensuring the…