Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Perkotaan dimaksudkan untuk memberdayakan masyarakat agar mampu mandiri dan hasil akhir program diharapkan dapat berkelanjutan sesuai dengan tujuan …
Buku ini dapat dibaca sebagai mansukan alternatif mengenai metode penelitian model apa yang kiranya memadai dan dapat dipercaya dalam meneropong realitas masyarakat sedekat mungkin, yang pada gilir…
Sustainable agriculture development is a sustainable development approach in the of agriculture sector which requires the economic, social, and environmental aspect to be considered equally in orde…
The poor empowerment program-Social Empowerment Direct Aid (P2FM-BLPS) through Collective Enterprise Group (KUBE) is one of alleviation poverty program inIndonesia which is derived from Ministry of…
Based on Decree of Malang Regent No.180/372/KEP/421.013/2009, officially, Ringinkembar Village designated as rural food insecurity. To solve this conditions, one of strategy from the goverment of M…
There, increased negative impactsof littering, drainage clogging, and burning of waste was more and more common for the community.