Buku pedoman ini berisi pedoman tentang kualitas perpustakaan yang baik
The city is projected to be a catalyst of Indonesian economic growth by industries and trade since its location is strategic, neighboring with singapore and malaysia.
The aim of the research is to measure the achievement of the reform in Palembang State Treasury Office with regard to the service quality based on the customer satisfaction. It focuses on the servi…
This thesis is about the implementation of collaboration that has been done in public education organization. In analysis, the thesis uses the thesis uses the case that has been implemented in PPPP…
Permasalaha dalam peneletian ini adalah bagaimana kesiapan yang dilakukan oleh SMA PGRI Aikmel dalam memberikan pelayanan pendidikan kepada masyarakat ? dan apa kendala-kendala yang dihadapi oleh …
This study aims to describe, interpretation, and analyze how the performance of Lamongan District Inspectorate in performing functional supervision. The advice given reserchers in order to minimize…
Basically, the purpose of the resettelement the capital of Probolinggo Regency was to facilitating the community as well as to improve the quality of public services. Therefore, to support these ef…