This is an interdisciplinary study of the actual mechanisms by which power corrupts. It pursues a cross-fertilization between political theory, organizational studies and cognitive science. In part…
Buku ini berisi kumpulan ringkasan disertasi program studi ilmu-ilmu sosial program Pascasarjana Universitas Airlangga Surabaya.
Jurnal ini berisi kumpulan artikel yang berguna sebagai bahan pengajaran di bidang ilmu sosial.
Buku ini berisi tentang landasan teori sosial, antropologi, fenomenologi, dan sosiologi tubuh berupa esai yang ditulis oleh para pakar terkemuka dunia.
From the mid 1990s to the present day, agricultural biotechnology--GM crops and foods--has been the focus of debate and conflict in many European countries. Contrasting views of risks and benefits,…