The measurement of marketing has become one of the most important business needs today as companies face increasing pressures to demonstrate financial returns across the organization form sharehold…
The government of Indonesia has a changing strategy for science technology development. This condition has influenced institutional development, which in turn may have affected the transformational…
Effective progress in any area depends on many key factors, among them the ability to learn from the past and the ability to anticipate future needs and possibilities. in the field of marketing res…
Buku ini berisi tentang perspektif penelitian pada pendidikan tinggi, filsafat penelitian, penelitian kuantitatif dan penellitian kualitatif, masalah penelitian, landasan teori penelitian, teori ad…
Encyclopaedia of Public Administration : Problems of research in public administration contains about 1. Research methodology in public administration : issues and patterns 2. Searching for sour…