Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi implementasi rencana/strategis/kebijakan/kegiatan yang dilaksasnakan di daerah padang pariaman di bidang pendidikan, denga…
Saat ini persaingan dalam bisnis perusahaan semakin ketat sehingga mendorong para pelaku bisnis untuk menciptakan atau menyediakan produk-produk yang inovatif sehingga dapat memberikan kemudahan ba…
Basically, the purpose of the resettelement the capital of Probolinggo Regency was to facilitating the community as well as to improve the quality of public services. Therefore, to support these ef…
Rusunawa in Kudus regency is a new public housing policy of Kudus local goverment. Unfortunately, there are many problems occurs in Rusunawa Management. From the research findings, there some reco…
Productivity and improvement problems that face Wedha Bank considered it as one of the banks operating in tripoli - Libya, which seeks to provide the best administrative services.