The third edition of the highly successful Readings in Planning Theory continues its well-established role in defining the latest debates within the field of planning theory - in=dentifying its bou…
The field of corporate finance has developed into a fairly complex one from its origins focused on a company ‘s bussiness and financial needs( financing, risk management, capatilazition, and budg…
Strategic planning in public sector in Indonesia has been fully supported by the regulations, but the implementation has not been applied properly. Meantime, forest and land fire still occurs and t…
Buku ini memberikan bekal kepada para mahasiswa dan masyarakat luas yang ingin mengubah pola pikirnya orang kantoran menjadi seorang pebisnis atau wirausahawan. Buku ini memberikan pemahaman tentan…
The measurement of marketing has become one of the most important business needs today as companies face increasing pressures to demonstrate financial returns across the organization form sharehold…
Analisis SWOT adalah salah satu analisis yang digunakan oleh organisasi, perusahaan maupun lembaga pemerintahan untuk menentukan kekuatan dan kelemahan dari organisasi, sebelum menetapkan tujuan da…