Abstract This study aims to describe and analyze the Strategic Plan (RENSTRA) implementation process for East Kalimantan Province to strengthen economic growth. The research adopts a quali…
ABSTRACT This research investigates the interplay between exchange rates, inflation, and interest rates, collectively influencing economic growth in the ASEAN Region. The study constructs a co…
RINGKASAN Gusti Naufal Rizky Perdana, Program Magister Administrasi Publik Universitas Brawijaya. “Implementasi Rencana Strategis dalam Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi: Studi pada Badan Perenca…
This research investigates the role of decentralization in the link between infrastructure and inclusive economic growth in Indonesia. it address the question of whether and inclusive ecnomic growt…
This study aims to examine the relationship between governance quality tax holiday, foreign direct investment, and economic growth in Indonesia. This study is trying to answer the question to what …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan dan pengaruh SDM, pertumbuhan ekonomi dan potensi penerimaan retribusi penerimaan pasar terhadap penerimaan retribusi pasar di Kabupaten Klaten.…