Choir Team of FIA UB Students Awarded as The Champion of ITB Choir Festival 2015

There is another national achievement coming for Faculty of Administrative Science of University of Brawijaya (FIA UB). At this time the students who joined Administratio Choir were awarded as the Champion of Choir Festival 2015 held by Technology Institute of Bandung (ITB). The choir competition held for its 24th times was passed by Administratio Choir through a tight process since the 26th of January until Febuary 2nd 2015.

Tim PSM Administratio Choir berpose bersama setelah menerima trofi juara

Tim PSM Administratio Choir berpose bersama setelah menerima trofi juara

The judges whom have existed in the music industry for such long time also contributed in the event, such as Aning Katamsi, nationally approved sopranos, and Nyak Ina Raseuki or who usually called as Mbak Ubiet, one of the finest vocal teacher in Indonesia. What makes it better was that since the qualification until the final stage, Administratio Choir always has the highest score. “After the final stage, we just informed by one of the judges that even from the qualification stage, we already had the highest score among 13 teams from many notable universities in Indonesia, which was 82,13,” stated Agung, one of the personnel of Administratio Choir.

This achievement was not reached through an instant process. Administratio Choir with its conductor, Agustinus Wahyu Permadi, started their routine rehearsal eight months before the festival. And while the competition was held, the Administratio Choir was quarantined for few days to keep their health especially their voices. “We are very proud and thankful for this achievement brought by Administratio Choir. Their hard works these times were paid by the champion trophy and the gold medal” greeted the Vice Dean of Students sector in FIA UB, Dr. Sri MangestiRahayu.

Congratulations to Administratio Choir FIA UB. Keep up the good work. (DPS/ALA/FIA)