Handover Position in FAS UB October 2015

This afternoon, November 2, FAS UB held handover position in several units of the faculty. The purpose of the handover was to refresh and improve the quality of education service in FAS UB. Another purpose was to fill some vacant positions because the former employees in the position had passed away.

Rendra Eko WIsmanu menerima SK sebagai Sekprodi Administrasi Publik dari Dekan

Rendra Eko WIsmanu is the newly-assigned Secretary of Public Administration Program

The dean of FAS UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS stated that rotation position among employees was a normal occasion. He said he had made thorough and careful consideration prior to the handover. He explained “I worked with a team before making decisions concerning to the rotation. It was done to improve the quality of education in FAS UB.”

Detail information on FAS UB October 2015 Handover is as follow:


Position Former Official

Current Official

1. Secretary of Bachelor Degree in Public Administration Program Muhammad Said, S.AP., M.AP Rendra Eko Wismanu, S.AP., M.AP
2. Secretary of Bachelor Degree in Education Administration Program Firda Hidayati, Ph.D Rispa Ngindana, S.AP., M.AP
3. Secretary of Master’s  Degree in Public Administration Program Drs. Soewondono, M.S Firda Hidayati, Ph.D
4. Staff of Business Administration Program Rosalita Rachma Agusti, SE., MSA. Ak. M. Cahyo Widyo Sulistyo, SE., MBA.
5. Staff of Master’s Degree in Business Administration Program Yudha Prakasa, S.AB., M.AB
6. Staff of Public Administration Program Rendra Eko Wismanu, S.AP., M.AP Nana Abdul Aziz, S.AP., M.AP
Shinta Happy Yustiari, S.AP., MPA Anita Tri Widyawati, S.S., M.A
7. Staff of Master’s  Degree in Public Administration Program Akhmad Amiruddin, S.AP., M.AP
8. Head of Quality Assurance Unit Public Administration Program Dr. Mardiyono., MPA.
9. Secretary of Quality Assurance Unit Public Administration Program Wisma Yudha Prasetyo, S.Sos., M.AP Shinta Happy Yustiari, S.AP., MPA
10. Expert Staff of Vice Dean 3 M. Cahyo Widyo Sulistyo, SE., MBA. Moh. Rozikin, M.AP



Article: Aulia Luqman Aziz

Photo: Aulia Luqman Aziz