FIA Environment Nominated as The Third Cleanest and Most Convenient of All Faculties and Work Units in UB

Dekan FIA UB menerima piala lomba kebersihan tingkat Universitas

Dekan FIA UB menerima piala lomba kebersihan tingkat Universitas

Administration Faculty of Brawijaya University (FIA UB) has reached third place in the Clean and Healthy Environment Competition of Brawijaya University. This nomination was awarded at the same time with The Open Senate Meeting of Brawijaya University in order of the 52th Dies Natalis of Brawijaya University in Monday (5/1).

Mentioning the award, Dean of FIA UB, Prof. Bambang Supriyono, MS expressed his gratitude for the hard work of all academic civil in FIA while encouraging to be optimistic keeping the honor. “I hope in the coming future everyone in FIA UB to be inspired to create healthier environment,” said this friendly professor when he was met at his office yesterday.

With this award, the next job of everyone in FIA is to maintain or even improve this achievement. To earn this, everyone must be aware, not only the cleaning service staff. If the students could continue putting the trash in the bin and keeping the buildings and the properties of FIA clean, then the teacher would have harder duty. That is to teach the students about clean environment. Any award would be easily earned if everyone in the team has one vision and help each other to reach that. (ALA/FIA)