An Adjustments Schedule of Middle test odd semester 2014/2015

Advised to all students of S1 as follows:

  1. Schedule corrections for the Legal Governance courses (Adm. Rule science) and Citizenship (Adm. Public program study) can be downloaded here.
  2. Room corrections:
  • Creativity and Innovation (Business, F)
  • Theoretical Development (Governance, A) – Management Restaurant, Bar and Catering (Tourism, A)

Please download it here.

  1. Schedule correction:
  • Introduction to Sociology (Governance, A)
  • Introduction to Economics (Development, A)

Please download it here.

  1. Room corrections:
  • Development of regional autonomy (Governance, E)
  • Introduction to Taxation (Taxation, D)

Please download it here.

  1. In connection with the holding of graduation procession on Saturday, 8th November, 2014, so the Middle Test schedule on that day will be adjusted which can be downloaded here.

Thank you for your attention

Academic Sub Division of FIA UB