ABSTRACT: This research was conducted with the aim of understanding and analyzing the existence of technocrats in the formulation of regional education policies in Sampang Regency. The stage…
The education systems consists of three dimensiona such as policy formation, implementation, and evaluation. The purpose of education is extended to economic development as the education systems ha…
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat sejauh mana pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dilakukan di dunia pendiidkan khususnya pemanfaatan e-learning di dalam memberikan akses pembelajar…
This research aims to describe, to analyze and to interpretate those aspects related to: 1) Policies of non-formal education to increase business entrepreneurs in Sumenep Regency East Java, 2) Poli…
Buku ini berisi tentang kajian secara holistik, teoritis, dan aplikasi kebijakan pendidikan dalam perspektif kekinian sebagai upaya merangsang pemikiran cerdas berkenaan dengan cita-cita, komitmen,…