Rahma Aprilia Kumaji, Program Magister Administrasi Bisnis Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya, Analisis Perceived Sustainability pada Online Reviews Konsumen Ecolodge di Indonesia; Komisi Pembimbing: Ketua: Prof. Luchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr., PhD., Anggota: Edriana Pangestuti, SE., M.Si., DBA.
Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah adanya potensi dari sektor pariwisata untuk berkontribusi pada Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) khususnya di Indonesia yang selaras dengan Rencana Strategis Kemenparekraf yang berkomitmen untuk dapat meraih SDGs. Pengaplikasian konsep pengembangan berkelanjutan untuk mencapai SDGs pada sektor pariwisata adalah melalui pariwisata berkelanjutan. Implikasi pariwisata berkelanjutan pada bisnis pariwisata telah diterapkan di berbagai skala, baik makro maupun mikro. Penerapan pada level mikro seperti pada akomodasi terlihat dari banyaknya konsep akomodasi ramah lingkungan, salah satunya adalah ecolodge.
Keberhasilan implementasi pariwisata berkelanjutan bergantung pada peranan seluruh stakeholders, termasuk di antaranya adalah konsumen. Selaras dengan Stakeholder Theory bahwa organisasi dapat menjaga tanggung jawabnya, seperti praktik berkelanjutan, dengan bertindak seiring permintaan seluruh stakeholders, termasuk konsumen. Wisatawan harus lebih terinformasi dan terdidik tentang isu dan topik keberlanjutan, nilai dan opini wisatawan harus dicatat karena dapat menghasilkan ide-ide baru untuk disertakan pada proses pengambilan keputusan. Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan penelitian yang mengeksplorasi persepsi keberlanjutan wisatawan khususnya konsumen ecolodge.
Penulisan Tesis dengan judul “Analisis Perceived Sustainability pada Online Reviews Konsumen Ecolodge di Indonesia” merupakan sebuah studi dengan kajian khusus terhadap persepsi konsumen terhadap praktik berkelanjutan dalam pengalaman menginapnya di ecolodge. Penelitian ini berlandaskan pada konsep perceived sustainability sebagai sebuah konsep multidimensional untuk memahami persepsi wisatawan terhadap kebijakan dan implementasi keberlanjutan destinasi. Perceived sustainability terdiri dari tiga dimensi, yaitu environmental, sociocultural, dan economic sustainability. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi persepsi konsumen ecolodge pada tahap post-purchasing melalui analisis online review yang merupakan refleksi pengalaman menginap wisatawan.
Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini: Bagaimana perceived environmental sustainability konsumen ecolodge di Indonesia?; Bagaimana perceived sociocultural sustainability konsumen ecolodge di Indonesia?; Bagaimana perceived economic sustainability konsumen ecolodge di Indonesia?; Bagaimana praktik berkelanjutan yang ideal untuk ecolodge di Indonesia berdasarkan hasil analisis tiga dimensi perceived sustainability?. Tujuan penelitian ini: Untuk menganalisis perceived environmental sustainability konsumen ecolodge di Indonesia; Untuk menganalisis perceived socio-cultural sustainability konsumen ecolodge di Indonesia; Untuk menganalisis perceived economic sustainability konsumen ecolodge di Indonesia; Untuk menyusun usulan strategi implementasi praktik berkelanjutan pada ecolodge di Indonesia dari hasil analisis tiga dimensi perceived sustainability.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah netnografi dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sebagai penelitian netnografi, teknik pengumpulan data dari penelitian ini adalah observasi partisipatif di mana data dikumpulkan melalui penelitian lapangan secara online (online field research) dan peneliti menceburkan dirinya dalam kelompok yang diteliti untuk mengumpulkan data menggunakan internet. Data yang dikumpulkan merupakan data arsip dan data catatan lapangan dari situs TripAdvisor berupa online review yang mengulas pengalaman menginap konsumen di ecolodge-ecolodge Indonesia pada kurun waktu tahun 2018-2020.
Hasil temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsumen mempersepsikan berbagai aspek dari pengalaman menginap di ecolodge. Terdapat beberapa aspek dari atribut ecolodge baik yang dapat digolongkan sebagai perceived sustainability maupun atribut lain yang dipersepsikan sebagai penentu kepuasan konsumen terhadap akomodasi pada literatur-literatur terdahulu. Di antara tiga dimensi perceived sustainability, dimensi keberlanjutan lingkungan merupakan yang paling kuat dipersepsikan oleh konsumen. Dimensi terkuat kedua adalah keberlanjutan sosiokultural, kemudian keberlanjutan ekonomi merupakan dimensi yang paling lemah.
Dari berbagai aspek yang dipersepsikan konsumen, jika dianalisis dengan kesamaan dan frekuensi kemunculan pada online review, maka atribut ecolodge yang menjadi prioritas konsumen dalam pengalaman menginapnya didominasi oleh atribut di luar tiga dimensi perceived sustainability. Sebagai rekomendasi, penelitian ini mengajukan proposisi kerangka kerja ecolodge untuk menerapkan prinsip-prinsip berkelanjutan dalam atribut-atribut yang dominan di mata konsumen. Proposisi tersebut berlandaskan model hierarchy-of-effect untuk memperkuat ikatan ecolodge dengan konsumen dengan terbentuknya sudut pandang keberlanjutan yang selaras. Peningkatan keberlanjutan di sebuah ecolodge akan meningkatkan pengalaman berkelanjutan konsumen di masa depan sehingga ecolodge dapat dikatakan berhasil sebagai akomodasi pariwisata berkelanjutan.
Kata Kunci: Perceived Sustainability, Online Review, Ecolodge
Rahma Aprilia Kumaji, Business Administration Science Master Program, Faculty of Administrative Science, Brawijaya University, “Perceived Sustainability Analysis of Ecolodge Indonesia’s Customers Online Reviews”. Supervisor: Prof. Luchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr., PhD; Co-supervisor: Edriana Pangestuti, SE., M.Si., DBA.
Tourism is a potential sector to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in conjunction with the strategic plan of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia which is committed to achieving SDGs. Sustainable development implementation towards SDGs in the tourism sector through sustainable tourism. The implications of sustainable tourism on the tourism business have been applied on various scales, both macro and micro. The implementation of micro-level can be seen from the many concepts of environmentally friendly accommodation, one of which is the ecolodge.
The success of sustainable tourism implementation depends on the role of all stakeholders, including consumers. In line with Stakeholder Theory stating that organizations can be held accountable, such as in sustainable practices, by considering all stakeholder's demands, including consumers in their actions. Tourists should be more informed and educated around sustainability issues and topics, tourist's values and opinions should be recorded as they can generate new ideas for the decision-making process. Therefore, research that explores consumer perceptions of sustainability, especially ecolodge consumers is necessary.
“Perceived Sustainability Analysis of Ecolodge Indonesia’s Customers Online Reviews” is distinctive research on consumer perceptions of sustainable practices in their experience during staying at ecolodges. This research utilizes perceived sustainability as a multidimensional concept to understand tourist perceptions towards destination sustainable policy and implementation. Perceived sustainability consists of three dimensions: environmental, sociocultural, and economic sustainability. This study explores consumer perceptions at the post-purchasing stage through online review analysis which reflected tourist experiences at ecolodges.
The research problem in this study is: How is the perceived environmental sustainability of ecolodge consumers in Indonesia?; How is the perceived sociocultural sustainability of ecolodge consumers in Indonesia?; How is the perceived economic sustainability of ecolodge consumers in Indonesia?; What is the ideal sustainable practice for ecolodges in Indonesia based on the result of the three dimensions of perceived sustainability analysis?. The purpose of this study: To analyze the perceived environmental sustainability of ecolodges consumers in Indonesia; To analyze the perceived sociocultural sustainability of ecolodge consumers in Indonesia; To analyze the perceived economic sustainability in Indonesia; To construct a proposed strategy for implementing sustainable practices in ecolodges based on the result of the three dimensions of perceived sustainability analysis.
The research method used in this study is netnography with a qualitative approach. As a netnographic research, the data collection technique of this study is participatory observation in which data is collected through online field research as the researcher immerses themselves in the group under study to collect data using the internet. The data collected is archival data and field note data from the online review on TripAdvisor from consumers who stayed at Indonesian ecolodges during the 2018-2020 period.
The results of this study show that consumers perceived many aspects of their experience during their stays at the ecolodge. There are several aspects of ecolodges attributes which can be categorized as perceived sustainability and other perceived attributes from existing literature as determinants of consumer satisfaction with the accommodation. Among the three dimensions of perceived sustainability, environmental sustainability is the most strongly perceived by consumers. Perceived sociocultural is in the second and perceived economic is the weakest dimension.
From the various aspects that consumers perceived, when analyzed by the similarity and frequency of appearances in online reviews, the ecolodge attributes that consumers prioritized in their stay experience are dominated by the attributes besides the three dimensions of perceived sustainability. This study recommends a proposed framework for ecolodge to implement sustainable principles in the dominant attributes based on consumer perceptions. The proposition framework is based on a hierarchy-of-effects model to strengthen the ecolodges bond with consumers by forming a harmonious viewpoint of sustainability. Enhancing the sustainability of an ecolodge will improve the consumer sustainable experience in the future then the ecolodge can be identified successfully as a sustainable tourism accommodation.
Keyword: Perceived Sustainability, Online Review, Ecolodge
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