Catur Susanto. Program Doktor Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya, 2020.
Pengaruh Kewirausahaan Sosial Terhadap Pembelajaran Organisasi, Kemitraan,
Keunggulan Bersaing dan Kinerja Usaha (Studi Pada Usaha Skala Kecil Pakaian
Jadi Berorientasi Industri Kreatif di Provinsi DKI Jakarta). Promotor: Taher
Alhabsji, Ko-Promotor: Wilopo dan Yusri Abdillah.
UMKM mempunyai peran penting bagi perekonomian. Meski demikian, UMKM
juga dihadapkan dengan beragam permasalahan, seperti tingginya tingkat
kompetisi dan risiko kegagalan usaha yang tinggi. Beragam studi empiris
membuktikan bahwa faktor utama penentu keberhasilan UMKM ditentukan oleh
penerapan manajemen strategis, seperti pembelajaran organisasi, kemitraan,
keunggulan bersaing, dan kinerja usaha. Beberapa aspek tersebut dikategorikan
sebagai aspek-aspek pembentuk entitas kewirausahan sosial (social
enterpreneurship). Meski demikian, masih terjadi perdebatan apakah
kewirausahaan sosial benar-benar mampu menjadi faktor determinan penentu
keberhasilan UMKM.
Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh:
(i) kewirausahaan sosial terhadap pembelajaran organisasi; (ii) kewirausahaan
sosial terhadap kemitraan; (iii) kewirausahaan sosial terhadap keunggulan
bersaing; (iv) kewirausahaan sosial terhadap kinerja usaha; (v) pembelajaran
organisasi terhadap keunggulan bersaing; (vi) pembelajaran organisasi terhadap
kemitraan; (vii) pembelajaran organisasi terhadap kinerja usaha; (viii) kemitraan
terhadap keunggulan bersaing; (ix) kemitraan terhadap kinerja usaha; dan (x)
keunggulan bersaing terhadap kinerja usaha.
Sampel studi ini sebanyak 168 pelaku usaha skala kecil pakaian jadi berorientasi
industri kreatif yang berada di DKI Jakarta. Teknik pengambilan sampel melalui
random sampling area. Sumber data diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner dan
didukung dengan dokumentasi lapang. Dari hasil perolehan data, kemudian
dianalisis melalui: (i) statistik deskriptif; dan (ii) statistik inferensial melalui GSCA
(Generalized Structured Component Analysis).
Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa: (i) kewirausahaan sosial berpengaruh signifikan
terhadap pembelajaran organisasi; (ii) kewirausahaan sosial berpengaruh
signifikan terhadap kemitraan; (iii) kewirausahaan sosial berpengaruh signifikan
terhadap keunggulan bersaing; (iv) kewirausahaan sosial berpengaruh signifikan
terhadap kinerja usaha; (v) pembelajaran organisasi berpengaruh signifikan
terhadap keunggulan bersaing; (vi) pembelajaran organisasi berpengaruh
signifikan terhadap kemitraan; (vii) pembelajaran organisasi tidak berpengaruh
signifikan terhadap kinerja usaha; (viii) kemitraan tidak berpengaruh signifikan
terhadap keunggulan bersaing; (ix) kemitraan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap
kinerja usaha; dan (x) keunggulan bersaing berpengaruh signifikan terhadap
kinerja usaha.
Kata Kunci: Kewirausahaan Sosial, Pembelajaran Organisasi, Kemitraan,
Keunggulan Bersaing, Kinerja Usaha
Catur Susanto. Administrative Sciences Doctoral Program of Brawijaya University,
2020. The Effect of Social Entrepreneurship on Organizational Learning,
Partnerships, Competitive Advantages and Business Performance (Study on Small
Scale Enterprises in Creative Industries Oriented in DKI Jakarta Province).
Promoter: Taher Alhabsji, Co-Promoter: Wilopo dan Yusri Abdillah.
SMEs have an important role for the economy. However, SMEs are also have
various problems, such as high levels of competition and high risk of business
failure. Various empirical studies prove that the main factors determining the
success of SMEs are determined issues related strategic management, such as
organizational learning, partnerships, competitive advantage, and business
performance. Some of these aspects are categorized as forming aspects of social
entrepreneurship entities (social entrepreneurship). However, there is still debate
whether social entrepreneurship is truly able to be a determining factor for the
success of SMEs.
Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effect of: (i) social entrepreneurship on
organizational learning; (ii) social entrepreneurship on partnerships; (iii) social
entrepreneurship on competitive advantage; (iv) social entrepreneurship on
business performance; (v) organizational learning on competitive advantage; (vi)
organizational learning on partnerships; (vii) organizational learning on business
performance; (viii) partnership towards on competitive advantage; (ix) partnerships
on business performance; and (x) competitive advantage on business
The sample of this study was 168 small-scale apparel business oriented creative
industries in DKI Jakarta. The sampling technique is through the area random
sampling. Sources of data obtained through questionnaires and supported by field
documentation. From the results of data acquisition, then analyzed through:
(i) descriptive statistics; and (ii) inferential statistics through GSCA (Generalized
Structured Component Analysis).
The finding of this study found: (i) social entrepreneurship has a significant effect
on organizational learning; (ii) social entrepreneurship has a significant effect on
partnerships; (iii) social entrepreneurship has a significant effect on competitive
advantage; (iv) social entrepreneurship has a significant effect on business
performance; (v) organizational learning has a significant effect on competitive
advantage; (vi) organizational learning has a significant effect on partnerships; (vii)
organizational learning has no significant effect on business performance; (viii)
partnership does not significantly influence competitive advantage; (ix) partnership
has a significant effect on business performance; and (x) competitive advantage
has a significant effect on business performance.
Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship, Organizational Learning, Partnerships,
Competitive Advantage, Business Performance
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