Pengaruh Trust, Performance Expectancy, Dan Mobile Application Quality Terhadap Purchase Intention Dan Purchase Decision: Survei pada pengguna aplikasi Grabfood di Kota Malang
Imam Rizkika, 2023, Pengaruh Trust, Performance Expectancy, dan
Mobile Application Quality Terhadap Purchase Intention dan Purchase Decision
(Survei pada Pengguna Aplikasi GrabFood di Kota Malang); Edriana Pangestuti,
SE., M.Si., DBA, Mohammad Iqbal, S.Sos., MIB., DBA.
Perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat telah mengubah kebiasaan
lama, dimana kemajuan teknologi informasi dan Komunikasi disertai dengan
adanya internet telah mengakomodasi pergeseran bisnis tradisional menjadi bisnis
online (e-commerce). Salah satu bentuk e-commerce yaitu food delivery
application (FDA) yang memanfaatkan smartphone, internet, dan layanan navigasi
yang digunakan secara ekstensif oleh konsumen. FDA memberikan kemudahan
dalam melakukan pemesanan makanan melalui aplikasi smartphone yang
memungkinkan konsumen untuk memilih restoran, melakukan pemesanan
makanan, dan dikirimkan langsung ke lokasi/rumah konsumen. Perubahan gaya
hidup masyarakat juga meningkatkan penerimaan terhadap FDA, serta adanya
pandemi Covid-19 yang mempercepat penerimaan FDA.
Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen untuk
menggunakan FDA dalam pembelian makanan yaitu trust, performance
expectancy, dan mobile application quality. Trust yang tinggi mampu
menghilangkan ketidakpastian, risiko, dan ketergantungan di sebagian besar
transaksi online. Performance expectancy telah divalidasi sebagai prediktor kuat
dari intention untuk menggunakan suatu teknologi dalam berbagai konteks. Atribut
atau dimensi kualitas FDA merupakan prediktor kepuasan dan berbagai
supportive behaviors konsumen, seperti usage intention dan loyalty. Trust
diproksikan dengan menggunakan indikator security, privacy, dan reputation.
Performance expectancy diproksikan dengan menggunakan indikator
performance expectancy. Mobile application quality diproksikan dengan
menggunakan indikator ease of use, usefulness, design, enjoyment of technology,
delivery experience, dan quality control. Purchase intention diproksikan dengan
menggunakan indikator purchase intention. Purchase decision diproksikan dengan
menggunakan indikator purchase decision.
Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian penjelasan (explanatory
research) dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada pengguna
aplikasi GrabFood di Kota Malang. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 150 responden
yang telah memenuhi kriteria populasi yaitu pengguna langsung atau end-user
GrabFood, berdomisili di Kota Malang, berusia ≥ 17 tahun, dan menggunakan
GrabFood sejak tahun 2020. Penyeleksian sampel menggunakan teknik purposive
sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Partial Least Square (PLS)
menggunakan software SmartPLS 4.0.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa trust dan mobile application quality
berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap purchase intention, sedangkan
performance expectancy berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap
purchase intention. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga memperoleh hasil bahwa
purchase intention dan mobile application quality berpengaruh positif danvii
signifikan terhadap purchase decision. Trust berpengaruh negatif dan tidak
signifikan terhadap purchase decision.
Hasil penelitian ini mengimplikasikan bahwa faktor yang mendorong
purchase intention konsumen untuk memesan makanan melalui aplikasi
GrabFood adalah trust dan mobile application quality. Selain itu, faktor yang
mendorong purchase decision konsumen untuk memesan makanan melalui
aplikasi GrabFood adalah mobile application quality dan purchase intention. Trust
yang tinggi mampu meyakinkan konsumen bahwa informasi pribadi konsumen
dilindungi selama proses pemesanan dan pengiriman makanan, sehingga
meningkatkan purchase intention konsumen. Mobile application quality yang baik
mampu memberikan kenyamanan dan kepuasan saat bertransaksi karena
berbagai atribut kualitas yang ditawarkan, sehingga dapat meningkatkan minat
konsumen dan mendorong konsumen untuk melakukan purchase decision. Selain
itu, purchase intention konsumen dilihat sebagai langkah awal sebelum konsumen
melakukan transaksi pemesanan makanan yang sebenarnya.
Imam Rizkika, 2023, The Effect of Trust, Performance Expectancy, and
Mobile Application Quality on Purchase Intention and Purchase Decision (Survey
on The User of GrabFood Application in Malang City); Edriana Pangestuti, SE.,
M.Si., DBA, Mohammad Iqbal, S.Sos., MIB., DBA.
The rapid development of technology has changed old habits, where
advances in information and communication technology accompanied by the
existence of the internet have accommodated the shift from traditional businesses
to online businesses (e-commerce). One form of e-commerce is a food delivery
application (FDA) that utilizes smartphones, the internet, and navigation services
that are used extensively by consumers. The FDA provides convenience in
ordering food through a smartphone application that allows consumers to choose
a restaurant, place an order for food, and have it delivered directly to user's
location/home. Changes in people's lifestyles have also increased acceptance of
the FDA, and the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated FDA acceptance.
Several factors influence consumer decisions to use FDA in purchasing
food, namely trust, performance expectancy, and mobile application quality. High
trust can eliminate uncertainty, risk and dependency in most online transactions.
Performance expectancy has been validated as a strong predictor of the intention
to use a technology in various contexts. Attributes or dimensions of FDA quality
are predictors of consumer satisfaction and various supportive behaviors, such as
usage intention and loyalty. Trust is proxied using indicators of security, privacy,
and reputation. Performance expectancy is proxied by using performance
expectancy indicators. Mobile application quality is proxied by using indicators of
ease of use, usefulness, design, enjoyment of technology, delivery experience,
and quality control. Purchase intention is proxied by using the purchase intention
indicator. Purchase decision is proxied by using the purchase decision indicator.
The type of research used is explanatory research with a quantitative
approach. This research was conducted on users of the GrabFood application in
Malang City. The research sample consisted of 150 respondents who met the
population criteria, namely direct users or end-users of GrabFood, domiciled in
Malang City, aged ≥ 17 years, and using GrabFood since 2020. The sample
selection used a purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique used
is Partial Least Square (PLS) using SmartPLS 4.0 software.
The results of this study indicate that trust and mobile application quality
have a positive and significant effect on purchase intention, while performance
expectancy has a positive and insignificant effect on purchase intention. In
addition, this study also obtained results that purchase intention and mobile
application quality have a positive and significant effect on purchase decisions.
Trust has a negative and insignificant effect on purchase decision.
The results of this study imply that the factors driving consumer purchase intention
to order food through the GrabFood application are trust and mobile application
quality. In addition, the factors driving consumer purchase decisions to order food
through the GrabFood application are mobile application quality and purchaseix
intention. High trust can convince consumers that consumers personal information
is protected during the food ordering and delivery process, thereby increasing
consumer purchase intentions. A good quality mobile application can provide
comfort and satisfaction when making transactions because of the various quality
attributes offered, to increase consumer interest and encourage consumers to
make purchase decisions. In addition, consumer purchase intention is seen as the
first step before consumers make actual food-ordering transactions.
2023140 | TES 332.10 RIZ p 2023 k.1 | Fadel Muhammad Resource Center (Ilmu Sosial) | Tersedia |
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