Kapasitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) Pemerintah Dalam Mengelola Program Pengentasan Kemiskinan Bagi Masyarakat Terdampak Pandemi Covid-19: Studi pada Dinas Sosial Provinsi DKI Jakarta
NADYA APRILLIANI, Program Studi Magister Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Fakultas
Ilmu Administrasi, Universitas Brawijaya, 2023. “KAPASITAS SUMBER DAYA
COVID-19 (Studi pada Dinas Sosial Provinsi DKI Jakarta)”. Komisi Pembimbing,
Ketua: Dr. Sujarwoto, S.IP., M.Si., MPA, Anggota: I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu,
S.AP., M.AP., Ph.D.
Kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) sebagai upaya untuk
menahan laju penyebaran Covid-19 hampir menghentikan seluruh aktivitas
masyarakat dan berdampak demikian besar pada kinerja perekonomian.
Penurunan kinerja perekonomian melemahkan pengeluaran konsumsi rumah
tangga (PKRT) yang terkontraksi cukup dalam sebesar minus 5,23% dan tidak
mampu lagi menjadi penggerak perekonomian. Secara normative fakir miskin dan
anak-anak yang terlantar akan dipelihara oleh Negara, sehingga Dinas Sosial
Provinsi DKI Jakarta dalam memberikan perlindungan sosial serta pemulihan
perekonomian, membuat beragam skema bantuan sosial serta subsidi untuk
mencukupi hak dasar, meringankan tanggungan, dan memperbaiki tingkat hidup
warga Jakarta yang kurang berkecukupan. Dalam menjalankan program
pengentasan kemiskinan diperlukan kapasitas sumber daya manusia aparatur
yang mumpuni, sehingga ketepatan sasaran bantuan sosial dapat terealisasi
dengan tepat dan efektif. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka tujuan dilakukannya
penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis secara
komprehensif dan terinci tentang: (1) kapasitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM)
Pemerintah dalam mengelola program pengentasan kemiskinan bagi masyarakat
terdampak pandemi COVID-19, (2) kapasitas baru yang harus dikuasai oleh
Pemerintah dalam mengelola program pengentasan kemiskinan bagi masyarakat
terdampak pandemi COVID-19, (3) upaya peningkatan kapasitas Sumber Daya
Manusia (SDM) Pemerintah dalam mengelola program pengentasan kemiskinan
bagi masyarakat terdampak pandemi COVID-19.
Penelitian menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan
deskriptif analitis. Penelitian ini menggunakan 3 fokus penelitian sesuai dengan
rumusan masalah yang ada. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara
wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan
teknik analisis data yang dikemukakan oleh Miles and Huberman dalam Saldana
(2014) dengan buku berjudul “Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook:
2nd edition”.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Kapasitas Sumber Daya Manusia
(SDM) Pemerintah dalam mengelola program pengentasan kemiskinan bagi
masyarakat terdampak pandemi COVID-19 dilakukan melalui 3 aspek, sebagai
berikut: pertama pengetahuan, diperoleh hasil pelaksanaan tugas verifikasi dan
validasi data bantuan sosial Covid-19 dilaksanakan dengan baik, ditemukan
disalah satu kecamatan rumah tangga (ruta) miskin mengalami penurunan, sejak
tahun 2019 hingga sekarang jumlah ruta miskin semula sebanyak 7189 rumahviii
ruta, menjadi 2071 ruta. Selanjutnya, pengetahuan tentang prosedur tugas cukup
baik, dilihat dari konsistensi bekerja, mulai dari pendataan, verifikasi serta validasi
data hingga penyaluran bantuan tersebut sampai kepada penerima. Data
penerima bantuan tersebut di update secara berkala dengan tujuan pemerataan
kesejahteraan, menghindari bantuan sosial yang tidak tepat sasaran. Kedua
keterampilan, diperoleh bahwa keterampilan pegawai Pusdatin Jamsos dalam
melaksanakan tugasnya sudah cukup baik, dilihat dari penggunaan aplikasi SIKSNG serta perhitungan konsumsi masyarakat miskin melalui metode PMT. Hal ini
karena Pusdatin Jamsos menyokong pegawainya agar dapat mengikuti bimbingan
dan pelatihan teknologi secara rutin sehingga keterampilan dari pegawainya dapat
tersertifikasi. Ketiga sikap atau perilaku, diperoleh hasil sikap (attitude) yang
dimiliki oleh Pegawai Dinas Sosial DKI Jakarta sangat baik dibuktikan survei
pelaksanaan PKT dimana peserta merasa puas dengan sikap atau perilaku
pendamping Jakpreneur. (2) Kapasitas Baru yang harus dikuasai oleh Pegawai
Dinas Sosial ialah kemampuan pegawai dalam menginventarisasi data dan sistem
pendataan dalam pengolahan DTKS, kemampuan pegawai dalam penggunaan
teknologi biometric wajah dalam penyaluran bantuan sosial, kemampuan
pendamping Jakpreneur dalam usaha meningkatkan kreatif dan inovatif
berwirausaha, dan kemampuan pegawai dalam pemetaan kebutuhan dasar
masyarakat kurang mampu di wilayah kantong-kantong kemiskinan. (3) Upaya
Dinas Sosial Provinsi DKI Jakarta dalam meningkatkan kapasitas pegawainya,
meliputi pelatihan dan bimbingan teknis SIKS-NG, pelatihan dan bimtek biometric
wajah penerima bantuan sosial, pelatihan berwirausaha bagi Pendamping
Jakpreneur, pelatihan pemetaan kebutuhan dasar masyarakat kurang mampu
wilayah kantong-kantong kemiskinan melalui FGD.
Rekomendasi yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini antara lain: 1) Pemerintah
harus memberikan kewenangan kepada aparat terbawah (kecamatan atau
kelurahan) untuk menyusun daftar penerima manfaat agar distribusi bantuan
sosial lebih tepat sasaran, tetapi tetap menjaga sistem pelaporan data kepada
organisasi terkait untuk memastikan bahwa data tercatat sebagai sumber
pemutakhiran data akurat. 2) Dinas Sosial harus menambah staf bagian
pengolahan dan pengumpulan DTKS yang memiliki keahlian dalam penggunaan
teknologi informasi didukung dengan sertifikasi seperti ICCP (Institute for
Certification of Computing Profesionals), Oracle (pengembang database), atau
Microsoft (pengembang perangkat lunak). Karena banyaknya data yang harus
diperbaiki, jika dikelola hanya dengan sebelas (11) orang tentu tidak akan optimal,
secara kesanggupan mungkin bisa diselesaikan namun memakan waktu yang
cukup lama, ini akan menjadi faktor terhambat dalam proses pemutakhiran data.
3) Agar masyarakat yang memenuhi kriteria fakir miskin dan orang tidak mampu
yang belum terdaftar dalam DTKS dapat secara aktif mendaftarkan diri kepada
lurah di tempat tinggalnya, perlu adanya sosialisasi bantuan sosial secara masif
kepada masyarakat. 4) Perlu adanya pengembangan teknologi pengenalan retina
sebagai pengganti teknologi biometric wajah untuk autentifikasi penerima bantuan
sosial di masa pandemi COVID-19. 5) Perlu penegasan terkait posisi Tenaga
Kesejahteraan Sosial Kecamatan (TKSK) melalui penerbitan Surat Keputusan
(SK) yang diterbitkan oleh pejabat pembina kepegawaian Kementerian Sosial
mengenai tugas dan fungsi dari TKSK.
NADYA APRILLIANI, Postgraduate Program, University of Brawijaya,
Malang.”The capacity of Human Resources at the Special Capital District of
Jakarta Provincial Social Service to manage poverty mitigation programs for
communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic (The Study at DKI Jakarta
Provincial Social Service)”. Supervisor: Dr. Sujarwoto, S.IP., M.Si., M.PA; CoSupervisor: I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu, S.AP., M.AP., Ph.D.
The Large-Scale Social Restrictions Policy, to contain the spread of Covid-
19, has almost stopped all community activities and has greatly impacted
economic performance. Consumer spending fell due to the economy's
performance decline, which also affected household consumption. Household
spending shrank significantly by minus 5.23%, and it could no longer power
Jakarta's economy. The Special Capital District of Jakarta Provincial Government,
working with the Special Capital District of Jakarta Provincial Social Service,
develops various social assistance programs and subsidies to fulfil basic rights,
relieve dependents, and raise the standard of living of Jakarta people who are less
fortunate as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Normally, the State is responsible
for caring for the poor and neglected children. In carrying out the poverty mitigation
program, it is necessary to have the human resource capacity of a suitable
apparatus so that the accuracy of the target of social assistance can be realized
properly and effectively. Based on this, the goal of this study is to thoroughly and
in-depth describe and analyze: (1) The capacity of Human Resources at the
Special Capital District of Jakarta Provincial Social Service to manage poverty
mitigation programs for communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, (2) The
new capacities that the Special Capital District of Jakarta Provincial Social Service
must master in managing poverty mitigation programs for communities affected by
the COVID-19 pandemic, and (3) Special Capital District of Jakarta Provincial
Government's efforts to increase the human resource capacity of the Special
Capital District of Jakarta Provincial Social Service in managing poverty mitigation
programs for communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This research used a qualitative descriptive methodology to develop a
comprehensive understanding of the issues raised by concentrating on processes
and searches that are more thorough, in-depth, natural, and as it is. This study
uses 3 research focuses according to the existing problem formulation. In-depth
interviews, observations, and literature reviews were all used in the data collection
process. This study uses the data analysis method proposed by Miles and
Huberman in Saldana (2014) with a book entitled “Qualitative data analysis: An
expanded sourcebook: 2nd edition”.
This research shows the results; first, the Provincial Government's Human
Resource Capacity (HR) in managing poverty mitigation programs for communities
affected by the COVID-19 pandemic through 3 aspects: (1) knowledge, obtained
from the results of carrying out the task of verifying and validating Covid social
assistance data -19 carried out well, it was found that in one sub-district poor
households (households) had decreased, since 2019 until now the number of poor
households was originally 7189 households, to 2071 households. Furthermore,
knowledge of the task procedures is quite good, seen from the consistency of work,
starting from data collection, verification and validation of data until the distribution
of the aid reaches the beneficiaries. The data on beneficiaries is updated regularlyx
with the aim of equalizing welfare, avoiding social assistance that is not on target.
Both skills, it was found that the skills of Pusdatin Jamsos employees in carrying
out their duties were quite good, seen from the use of the SIKS-NG application and
the calculation of the consumption of the poor through the PMT method. This is
because Pusdatin Jamsos supports its employees to participate in technology
guidance and training on a regular basis so that the skills of their employees can
be certified. The three attitudes or behaviors, the results of the attitudes possessed
by DKI Jakarta Social Service employees were very good as evidenced by the PKT
implementation survey where participants were satisfied with the attitudes or
behavior of the Jakpreneur assistants. (2) New capacities that must be mastered
by Social Service Employees are the ability to inventory data and data collection
systems in processing DTKS, the ability to use facial biometric technology in
distributing social assistance, the ability to be creative and innovate in
entrepreneurship, and the ability to map the basic needs of underprivileged
communities in the region poverty pockets. (3) Efforts by the DKI Jakarta Provincial
Social Service in increasing the capacity of its employees, including SIKS-NG
training and technical guidance, training and technical guidance on facial
biometrics for recipients of social assistance, entrepreneurship training for
Jakpreneur Assistants, training on mapping the basic needs of underprivileged
communities in areas of poverty through Focus Group Discussions.
The recommendations from this study include: 1) The government should
give authority to the lowest levels of apparatus (district or sub-district) to compile
lists of beneficiaries so that the distribution of social assistance is more targeted,
but still maintain a data reporting system to related organizations to ensure that
data is recorded. as a source of accurate data updates. 2) Social Services must
add staff to the processing and collection of DTKS who have expertise in the use
of information technology supported by certifications such as ICCP (Institute for
Certification of Computing Profesionals), Oracle (database developer), or Microsoft
(software developer). Due to the large amount of data that needs to be corrected,
if it is managed with only eleven (11) people it will certainly not be optimal. In terms
of capability, it may be completed but takes quite a long time, this will be a hindering
factor in the process of updating the data. 3) So that people who meet the criteria
for being poor and needy people who have not been registered with the DTKS can
actively register themselves with the lurah at their place of residence, there is a
need for massive outreach of social assistance to the community. 4) It is necessary
to develop retina recognition technology as a substitute for facial biometric
technology for authentication of social assistance recipients during the COVID-19
pandemic. 5) It is necessary to confirm the position of the District Social Welfare
Worker (TKSK) through the issuance of a Decree (SK) issued by the Ministry of
Social staffing officials regarding the duties and functions of TKSK.
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