Hubungan Reformasi Birokrasi Dengan Kinerja: Studi pada Badan Pusat Statistik
Randy Pratama Lumenta. Program Pascasarjana Magister Administrasi Publik,
Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, “HUBUNGAN
STATISTIK)”. Komisi pembimbing, Ketua : Prof. Dr. Abdullah Said, M.Si, Anggota: Dr.
Irwan Noor, MA.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan reformasi birokrasi
dan kinerja di Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) serta hubungan yang terjadi antara
reformasi birokrasi dengan kinerja. Hal ini karena adanya pertentangan teori dengan
fenomena yang ada serta permasalahan reformasi birokrasi dan kinerja yag terjadi di
BPS. BPS menjadi objek penelitian karena tidak tercapainya seluruh tujuan dalam
rencana strategis (RENSTRA) dan masih sedikit satuan kerja BPS yang mencapai
nilai reformasi birokrasi WBK dan WBBM sehingga menjadi penting untuk diteliti
gambaran pelaksanaannya dan hubungan yang terjadi antara reformasi birokrasi
dengan kinerja di BPS. Secara teori disebutkan bahwa pelaksanaan reformasi
birokrasi akan meningkatkan kinerja karena dapat menjadi solusi dari berbagai
permasalahan birokrasi sehingga terjadi hubungan yang bersifat positif atau
berbanding lurus, sedangkan fakta yang ada menunjukkan masih terdapat
permasalahan kinerja birokrasi antara lain keluhan terkait kinerja pelayanan publik
oleh pemerintah dan kasus-kasus dalam pemerintahan. Reformasi birokrasi yang
dicanangkan pemerintah diharapkan dapat membenahi permasalahan yang ada agar
tujuan pemerintah Indonesia untuk mewujudkan pemerintah berkelas dunia dapat
tercapai. Penting untuk mengetahui hubungan yang terjadi antara reformasi birokrasi
dengan kinerja agar dapat merancang program yang tepat dalam mewujudkan tujuan
reformasi birokrasi.
Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini: (1) Bagaimanakah gambaran kinerja
di BPS? (2) Bagaimanakah gambaran reformasi birokrasi di BPS? Dan (3) Bagaimana
hubungan antara reformasi birokrasi dengan kinerja di BPS. Penelitian ini
menggunakan metode analisis data sekunder secara deskriptif dan inferensia.
Analisis data sekunder secara deskriptif untuk menjawab rumusan masalah pertama
dan kedua yaitu memberikan gambaran reformasi birokrasi dan kinerja di BPS dan
analisis data sekunder secara inferensia untuk menjawab rumusan masalah ketiga
yaitu menganalisis hubungan yang terjadi antara reformasi birokrasi dengan kinerja di
BPS. Analisis deskriptif dengan menggunakan tabulasi, grafik, gambar, dan peta
sedangkan analisis inferensianya menggunakan analisis korelasi Pearson dan uji t
atau perbedaan rata-rata. Data sekunder yang digunakan berupa hasil penilaian
reformasi birokrasi dan kinerja SAKIP oleh Inspektorat BPS RI.
Berdasarkan gambaran pelaksanaan reformasi birokrasi dan kinerja di BPS,
temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa capaian reformasi birokrasi BPS di lingkup
internal BPS termasuk baik tapi masih belum mencapai standar secara nasional,
capaian reformasi birokrasi BPS provinsi lebih baik dibandingkan BPS kabupaten kota
dan BPS di wilayah Jawa lebih baik dibandingkan BPS di wilayah luar Jawa. Secara
statistik, terjadi perbedaan rata-rata atau tidak terjadi pemerataan (ketimpangan)
pelaksanaan reformasi birokrasi di BPS provinsi dan BPS kabupaten kota sedangkan
BPS berdasarkan tipe wilayah lebih merata antara BPS di wilayah Jawa dan wilayah
luar Jawa. Berdasarkan gambaran capaian kinerja yang didapatkan, ditemukan
bahwa secara instansional BPS mampu mencapai kinerja dan akuntabilitas yang baik
namun belum mencapai keseluruhan satuan kerja BPS di Indonesia. Hal ini yang
menyebabkan terjadinya ketimpangan capaian kinerja BPS provinsi dan BPS
kabupaten kota. Terlihat juga kinerja BPS provinsi lebih baik dibandingkan BPS
kabupaten kota dan BPS wilayah luar Jawa lebih baik dibandingkan BPS wilayah
Jawa. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif antara reformasi
birokrasi dengan kinerja akan tetapi keeratan hubungan yang terjadi tidak terlalu kuat
sehingga keragaman dari kinerja tidak terlalu signifikan dapat dijelaskan dari
pelaksanaan reformasi birokrasi. Hal ini menunjukkan masih terdapat faktor lain selain
reformasi birokrasi yang lebih berpengaruh terhadap kinerja di BPS. BPS perlu
mengoptimalisasikan pelaksanaan reformasi birokrasi agar dapat mencapai
produktifitas kinerja yang baik.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang ditemukan, beberapa saran yang bisa
diberikan penulis antara lain pembenahan pemerataan reformasi birokrasi dan kinerja,
peningkatan koordinasi, konsolidasi, komunikasi dan kerjasama baik dengan pihak
eksternal maupun internal BPS dalam upaya peningkatan capaian reformasi birokrasi
dan kinerja, evaluasi secara berkala kekurangan yang ada dalam pelaksanaan
reformasi birokrasi dan kinerja berupa proses bisnis, skala prioritas, pembinaan dan
pelatihan, target dan realisasi sesuai Rencana Strategis yang sudah dirancang,
akuntabilitas kegiatan dan administrasinya, serta beban dan volume pekerjaan.
Randy Pratama Lumenta. Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative
Sciences, University of Brawijaya Malang, "THE CORRELATION BETWEEN
INDONESIA)". Promotor: Prof. Dr. Abdullah Said, M.Si, Co-Promotor: Dr. Irwan Noor,
This study aims to describe the implementation of bureaucratic reform and
performance at Statistics Indonesia (BPS) and the correlation between bureaucratic
reform and performance. This is due to theoretical contradictions with existing
phenomena and problems of bureaucratic reform and performance that occur at BPS.
BPS became the object of research because all the objectives in the strategic plan
(RENSTRA) were not achieved and there were still a few BPS work units that achieved
the value of WBK and WBBM bureaucratic reform, so it became important to examine
the description of its implementation and the relationship between bureaucratic reform
and performance achievements at BPS. In theory, it is stated that the implementation
of bureaucratic reform will improve performance because it can be a solution to various
bureaucratic problems resulting in a positive or directly proportional correlation, while
the facts show that there are still problems with bureaucratic performance, including
complaints related to the performance of public services by the government and other
cases case in government. The bureaucratic reform proclaimed by the government is
expected to be able to fix existing problems so that the Indonesian government's goal
of realizing a world-class government can be achieved. It is important to know the
correlation that exists between bureaucratic reform and performance to be able to
design the right program in realizing the goals of bureaucratic reform.
The formulation of the problem in this study: (1) How is the description of
performance at Statistics Indonesia? (2) What is the description of bureaucratic reform
at Statistics Indonesia? And (3) What is the correlation between bureaucratic reform
and performance at Statistics Indonesia. This study used descriptive and inferential
secondary data analysis methods. Descriptive secondary data analysis is used to
answer the first and second problem formulations, namely to provide an overview of
bureaucratic reform and performance at Statistics Indonesia, and inferential
secondary data analysis to answer the third problem formulation, namely to analyze
the correlation between bureaucratic reform and performance at Statistics Indonesia.
Descriptive analysis uses tabulations, graphs, images, and maps while inferential
analysis uses Pearson correlation analysis and t-test or average difference. The
secondary data used is in the form of the results of an assessment of bureaucratic
reform and the performance of SAKIP by the Statistics Indonesia Inspectorate.
Based on the description of the implementation of bureaucratic reform and
performance at BPS, the research findings show that the achievements of BPS
bureaucratic reform in the internal scope of BPS are good but still do not reach national
standards, the achievements of bureaucratic reform in provincial BPS are better than
regency/city BPS and BPS in the Java region are better compared to BPS in areas
outside Java. Statistically, there is an average difference or not there is evenness
(inequality) in the implementation of bureaucratic reform at provincial BPS and
regency/city BPS while BPS based on area type is more evenly distributed between
BPS in Java and outside Java. Based on the description of the performance
achievements obtained, it was found that institutionally BPS was able to achieve good
performance and accountability but had not yet reached all BPS work units in
Indonesia. This has led to an imbalance in the performance achievements of provincial
BPS and district/city BPS. It can also be seen that the performance of the provincial
BPS is better than the district and city BPS and the BPS outside Java is better than
the Java region. The results of the study also show that there is a positive correlation
between bureaucratic reform and performance, but the closeness of the correlation
that occurs is not too strong so the variation in performance is not too significant which
can be explained by the implementation of bureaucratic reform. This shows that there
are other factors besides bureaucratic reform that have more influence on
performance at BPS. BPS needs to optimize the implementation of bureaucratic
reform to achieve good performance productivity.
Based on the research results found, some suggestions that the author can
give include improving the distribution of bureaucratic reform and performance,
increasing coordination, consolidation, communication, and cooperation with both
external and internal Statistics Indonesia parties to increase the achievements of
bureaucratic reform and performance, periodic evaluation of deficiencies that exist in
the implementation of bureaucratic reform and performance in the form of business
processes, priority scale, coaching and training, targets and realization according to
the Strategic Plan that has been designed, accountability for activities and
administration, as well as workload and volume.
2023105 | TES 351.10 LUM h 2023 k.1 | Fadel Muhammad Resource Center (Ilmu Sosial) | Tersedia |
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